~Soul Vito Lester – A Review~

Soul Doll introduced a new line of dolls in August in an unusual size.  The Vito line was launched with the 52 cm tall Lester. The doll fits between the typical 1/3 (60-65 cm ) tall and the 1/4 (40-45 cm) tall boy sizes. Virginia, proprietor of Raw-Kiss, recently acquired the doll and has graciously written a review on Soul Vito Lester  for BJDcollectasy.

By Virginia Obeius


IMG_0039I was lucky enough to find Lester in stock at Doll Peddlar  so no waiting – yay! After a brief layaway they shipped him out to me promptly and securely. I’ve purchased several dolls from Doll Peddlar and they are always great answering questions and pleasant to deal with.

Out of the box, Lester is already gorgeous; as good as the company photos if not better in person. Of course, I can’t help but tinker anyway, so I decided to make a few changes to his face-up. This included repainting his lips to a softer color, darkening his eyebrows, and face and body blushing. He does have parting lines but they are not pronounced and generally feel smooth to the touch – you can hardly notice them. The resin is a nice pinky-peach color – true to previous Souldoll batches I’ve had experience with.

Lester is an exceptionally stable stander. He also sits well and his double-jointed knees, while not the most elegant when flexed nude, do not appear odd clothed and offer more flexibility. I do think that he’s strung quite tight. This makes him a little kicky and makes his arms want to snap in past a certain point. However, a simple length of wire inserted in the joints takes care of that. Another side-effect of the tight stringing is that it’s difficult to pop his chest joint for the “slouch” look. You can do, it but watch you don’t pinch your finger snapping him back in place!

Although he’s listed with the SD set sometimes, I think the Vito line (if not completely in its own group) is more in scale with MSD/Mini BJDs. Lester has a very mature, masculine look and pairs well with similarly realistic, mature sculpts in the 6-7 head size such as Narae, Unoa, Minifee and Souldoll’s own minis. He even looks cute as a parental figure to Littlefee.

Over all, I’m very satisfied with my Vito boy, er – man, so far and very much look forward to seeing a female in this line.

Virginia runs, Raw-Kiss, which is dedicated to her doll fashions, tiny fabrics, backgrounds, DIY kits and other items. Apparel shown on Lester in the photos was made by Virginia.

Soul Vito Lester can be purchased through Soul Doll and through their authorized retailers.

All photos by Virginia Obeius

Company face-up enhanced by Virginia
Company face-up enhanced by Virginia
Lester slouching
Lester slouching
Pose showing elbow and knee joints
Pose showing elbow and knee joints
Lester with 1/4 Planetdoll and 1/6 FairyLand LittleFee
Lester with 1/4 Planetdoll and 1/6 FairyLand LittleFee
Lester with SoulDouble, Fairy Land Chic line, and Little Fee
Lester with SoulDouble, Fairy Land Chic line, and Little Fee
Lester with Jeans from K.I.S.S. Kit, fur wig from pattern, printed background & floor from Virginia
Lester with Jeans from K.I.S.S. Kit, fur wig from pattern, printed background & floor from Virginia



RAW*KISS shirt and jeansraw-kiss, virginia mo

1 thought on “~Soul Vito Lester – A Review~”

  1. Out of curiosity, does the Lester head fit any of the Fairyland bodies? I really like the head but the joints just aren’t doing it for me.

    Thank you!

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