resin BJD
Loongsoul Wizard – Gu Shu Shi
73 or 75cm BJD on sale + choice of gift & discount jointed hands with purchase…
Raccoondoll – Amazing Winter Event
1/4 girls discounted, Momo, Nina & Ivy with LE face-ups, free shipping, new fashions…
DollZone Echo
70cm doll, 2 head styles, basic or LE full-set, heads also sold separately, on sale now…
Withdoll News
New 75cm body, re-release 2 sets of LE dolls, all basic dolls now available, 67cm male body final sale…
Crimson Moon Human & Demon
Limited editions, choice of snake or human body & snake and half open eyes human heads…
Gem of Doll Black Friday Event
Discounts on many dolls and also clothing, free shipping with qualifying purchases…
Migidoll Grace Line Rin
New doll head, new bust part, limited number of previous doll heads released…
Night Terrors Vian & Awakening Roo
Kid Dollmore girls, LE 10 each, discounted until the end of the month…
Peak’s Woods 2024 Winter Event
FOB line re-release, discount offers, gift head event, layaway offered…