Loongsoul Wizard – Gu Shu Shi
73 or 75cm BJD on sale + choice of gift & discount jointed hands with purchase…
Raccoondoll – Amazing Winter Event
1/4 girls discounted, Momo, Nina & Ivy with LE face-ups, free shipping, new fashions…
DollZone Echo
70cm doll, 2 head styles, basic or LE full-set, heads also sold separately, on sale now…
Withdoll News
New 75cm body, re-release 2 sets of LE dolls, all basic dolls now available, 67cm male body final sale…
Crimson Moon Human & Demon
Limited editions, choice of snake or human body & snake and half open eyes human heads…
Migidoll Grace Line Rin
New doll head, new bust part, limited number of previous doll heads released…
Night Terrors Vian & Awakening Roo
Kid Dollmore girls, LE 10 each, discounted until the end of the month…
Peak’s Woods 2024 Winter Event
FOB line re-release, discount offers, gift head event, layaway offered…