Asleep Eidolon Demon Goat Leilani & Pai Er
Regular or anime style head, human or hooved legs, full-set is limited edition…
Pandolla Box Azalea
2 head styles, discount event, limited tan resin available, gift extra hands & high heels…
Wo Long 2.0 & Li Bai White Phoenix
2 new Grown line males from Ringdoll, discounted for few weeks only…
Volks USA Super Dollfie One-off Models
10 dolls available, sold by lottery, Submissions being taken now…
LoongSoul Emperor Xuan & Xuan Long Dragon
Discount until November 3rd, they will be discontinued on January 29th, 2025…
Quadrigadolls Spooky Eryn
Available in a variety of colors including custom requests, layaway offered…