A new Chinese company has opened called Magical Angel. The company carries 1/3, 1/4 and 1/6 size basic dolls. They may be ordered in grey, sunburn, pink, yellow, white and snow white resin in transparent, semi-transparent or non transparent resin. The company is celebrating the opening of their international website with a photo contest.
From the company:
Magical Angel BJD – Grand Opening Photo Contest!
Theme: Celebration of Birth
To celebrate our new company in the world of BJDs, we have decided to host a photo contest! You do not need one of our dolls to enter, dolls from any company are allowed.
You can view our dolls on our website:http://www.magical-angel.com/
Starting Date: Oct.9th, 2012
Ending Date: Nov.9th, 2012
Winners will be decided in 1-2 weeks after the close of the contest.
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* Each Participant may enter up to two photos.
* We would like nice quality photos, no cell phone shots please.
* You must “like” our page on Facebook before entering your submissions. (Page can be found here: Magical Angel BJD)
* To enter, post the photo(s) to our Facebook wall. In the description please label it as “Magical Angel BJD Grand Opening Contest Entry”.
*Once you have posted your entry, please send us a message on facebook with your email address. When you order from our shop, use that same email address to redeem your store credit.
* Please make sure to follow the contest theme. Photo entries that do not follow the theme will not be eligible for any prizes.
* Original submissions only, the work has to be yours!
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First Prize: One 1/4 Scale Non-Transparent White Skin Doll of Choice
Second Prize: One 1/4 Scale Non-Transparent White Skin Body of Choice
All Participants will receive a $5 store credit for Magical Angel.