GEM of Doll Andrea & Osiris

45cm tall Andrea and 47cm Osiris are 1/4 dolls from GEM of Doll. They may be purchased as human or beast BJDs in mia pink, mia white, snow white, or mousse white resin. All dolls will come with random-color eyes.

Osiris and Andrea are sold with a human head and a human body or with a cat head with cat ears and the anthro beast body. (The beast bodies are the same as the human body but with beast hands and feet.) The basic human versions are sold blank with optional face-ups, body blushing, wigs, outfits, shoes, and a cat tail. The Beast version options do not include the wigs and shoes.

The full-set dolls will include all their extras except the tails which may be added. All versions are sold at a 20% discount for an unspecified length of time. They may also be purchased internationally from the company’s authorized retailers including  Alice’s Collections,  BJDivas, and Legend Doll.

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