Migidoll String Curl & Silky layered Wigs

New doll wigs are available for a limited time at Migidoll. They are each sold in multiple sizes and colors.

From the company:

Hello, I’m Migidoll.

New wigs [String Curl] and [Silky Layered Cut] will be pre-sold from December 27, 2024 (Fri) to January 20, 2025 (Mon). 

We tried to express a sophisticated image with new styles and new colors.

The orderable sizes are 6-7 inches, 7-8 inches, 8-9 inches, and 9-10 inches, and each wig has a different orderable color, so please check the wig color trademark.

Also, if you order during the reservation period, 5% of the order amount will be accumulated as points, so please pay a lot of attention. 

[Sold Product]

1. String Curl

2. Silky Layered Cut

– options –

1. Size : 6-7 inch, 7-8 inch, 8-9 inch, 9-10 inch

2. Color : String Curl – Lovely Blonde, Cherry Choco, Mystic Blue, Indy Pink, Indy Scarlet

           Silky Layered Cut – Mystic Blue, Ash Black, Cherry Choco, Indy Pink, Shine Red

[Sales Period]

December 27, 2024 (PM 2:00) to January 20, 2025 (PM 6:00) [KST]

** Pre-booking Privilege: Earn 5% points of the order amount

** After pre-sale, only wigs in possession will be sold online and offline, and will not be newly produced in the future. 

*** From December 27th to January 1st, orders will take about 6-8 weeks, after which orders will take about 8-10 weeks. (Based on the order date)

(From left) Silky Layered Cut & String Curl
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