Loongsoul Fairy – Yue Xia Xian 

75cm tall Fairy – Yue Xia Xian from LoongSoul will be on sale for 1 month. The doll is sold with a choice of body type. He may be cast in imported white, light rose, normal yellow, light tan, or wheat resin. 

Basic Yue Xia Xian is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, eyes, basic or styled wig, outfit set, boots, jointed hands, and blank or painted flowing cloud armor.

The full-set version BJD will come with eyes, a styled wig, an outfit and shoes. Options include jointed hands and blank or painted flowing cloud armor.

For a limited time, Fairy – Yue Xia Xian is on sale. He may be ordered internationally from retailers Alice’s CollectionsBJDivas, and Legend Doll.

From the company:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion (2024.12.12 – 2025.01.12):
* 18% off + a pair of nude normal hands as gift.
* And can order a pair of jointed hands at $46/pair (makeup + $10)

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