Linda has been making dolls for years, first when she lived in Italy and then continuing after moving to the USA. She creates works that are cast either in resin or in porcelain. Her resin dolls range from around 7 inches to 29 inches tall. I recently caught up with her, and we chatted about her latest release, Mini Moon. That doll may be ordered now from her website Linda Macario Dolls.
Q: I see you have recently released a new doll size. Can you tell me a bit about the Mini M line?
A: The Mini M collection was created to give collectors a new size of some of their favorite dolls. So far I offered a pocket-size version of Martha and Melody. This preorder is all about Moon and more dolls will come for this collection but I can’t reveal which ones yet.
Q: I really like that the doll’s head shape is round like the moon! Did you get the idea to sculpt it that way or did it just happen as you worked?
A: Moon was inspired by a picture I found online and the little round face of that baby girl inspired the name. She is for sure a cute full moon! But I would say first came the sculpt and then the name.
Q: Are the light almond and chocolate resin colors new? Is Mini Moon the smallest of your dolls?
A: Yes, light almond and chocolate are new colors, and Mini Moon is the smallest doll I made along with the resin drop collection dolls like Donut and Cupcake that are a little shorter and have different bodies. Mini Moon is on the second body from the left.
Q: Are the optional outfit sets all made by you?
A: The outfit you can see in the preorder photos and on the website is designed and sewn by me.
Q: Is the mini M body a new creation or were you able to reduce a body you have released previously? Also Mini Moon’s head looks almost the same size as the M head. Was it reduced in size for the smaller body?
A: The M doll body was shrunk, I originally sculpted it for M dolls (Martha, Mia, and the others). The original size of Moon was bigger than Maggie’s. Unfortunately, I don’t have a sample with me to show them side by side.
Q: Her head looks bigger with her body than the M doll does. It’s cute like that.
A: It’s more cartoonish like Mini Martha.
Q: Will the Minis continue to be smaller versions of the M dolls or do you plan to make some Mini M exclusives?
A: In the near future I’m planning to do an exclusive new head for this size body.
Q: Will Mini Moon fit into Lati doll-size clothing?
A: It depends on the clothes, my dolls have bigger hands and a little longer legs, but they can share clothes, yes.
Q: While I don’t cover porcelain dolls, I thought I would ask about the ones you have been making in case readers are curious about them. Do you only make small editions of them? Are the body designs and heads similar to the resin dolls? Are they painted after firing?
A: The original sculpts are made, like for the resins, with La Doll and Paperclay, but for the porcelain, all the next steps are done in my studio. From the plaster molds to the slip-casting, firing in the kiln, and china painting, everything is made by hand. That’s why they are very limited edition, most of the time I make one doll at a time. I did mostly BJD porcelain and they are a bit different from the resins because the eyes are set permanently into the head and the wig is not removable. My new porcelain collection is inspired by the more classic porcelain dolls, not BJDs, but assembled on a fabric body.
The color on the porcelain is permanent, I did fire each layer of painting in the kiln. Every doll required at least 4 layers of colors.
Q: Thank you, again for talking with me! I look forward to seeing your future dolls.
A: Thank you so much for your work! I’m honored to be on BJDcollectasy.