
A new magazine for BJD aficionados called Jointed has arrived. Doll collector Wisteria published the inaugural issue at the beginning of this month. The downloadable periodical includes interviews and beautiful photos of dolls.


Q: Can you tell me a little about yourself and how you became interested in BJDs?

A: My real name is Justin, but I go by Wisteria in the hobby. Growing up, I always had a fascination with dolls. I played with both Barbie and Bratz. As I got older, my interest in dolls faded until I turned 16. I was browsing the internet looking at anime figures when I saw an ad for Peaks Woods. I instantly fell in love, and I’ve been obsessed ever since. I’m 29 now, and have had many different BJDs from different companies. I’ve struggled to find a doll style, because I really love all the dolls.

Q: How many dolls do you currently have? What companies are some of your favorites?

A: I currently only have a Supia Roda and a Zaoll Luv on the way! A Merry Doll Round Fang head as well. I’ve always been a one or two-doll person, but I do have a dream of having a little doll family. I’ve owned many and a variety of dolls during my time in the hobby!

My favorite companies in the BJD hobby are currently, Do Dolls Dream – I absolutely love the aesthetic and beauty of these dolls, a Miss Marionette is definitely a grail. Harucasting, Merry Doll Round are favorites as I think their dolls are incredible. Supia is another favorite.

Q: So tell me about how Jointed came about. Do you have other people working with you on the Magazine?

A: JOINTED was a concept I had while creating a photograph for the Doll North photography contest in 2019, I ended up winning the contest which was my first award for photography ever. I thought the magazine idea was great but didn’t think to run with it until recently. I was at work mid-April and the concept just came to me, and I decided to go for it! It took two weeks to complete the first issue, and I’m so grateful for everyone who submitted photos.

I’m lucky enough to be friends with Bunny Faceup, the incredible face-up artist and designer. She helped me with the first issue with refining the look of the magazine and giving me wonderful and important advice about graphic design. Without her, the magazine wouldn’t look as good. I’ve also recently partnered up with an illustrator, Wyvern Heart. He offered to make graphics and art for the magazine, which will be featured in issue 2. We are a little team of artists trying to support other doll artists and hobbyists In a fun and creative way.

Q: How often do you plan to release a new issue?

A: Every month on the first! Every issue is released at the beginning of the next month. So the April issue was released May 1st.

Q: How do you decide what will be in the next issue? Do you choose a subject?

A: For the month of May, the theme is Dreamy Spring. I’m really inspired by the season, and I see a difference in the photography being posted around this time. So I’m very excited to see what people submit. I’m planning on having a different theme every month!

Q: Do people send in submissions or do you approach people whose work you like?

A: Both, for the first issue, I opened up for submissions and then decided I needed a cover story, so I approached my friend BJDQueens and asked if they would be open to being on the cover and creating photos for the Early Spring issue. I love their work and the Beginner Doll Photography guide, and I knew they would deliver amazing photos. I really feel the photo set was perfect for the first issue of JOINTED.

That being said, submissions from the community are so important for the magazine to continue. Without your submissions I wouldn’t have any content, that’s why I’ve decided to make the next couple issues free for the community as a thank-you for allowing me to create designs with your beautiful photos.

Q: Is there anything you would like to add that I didn’t cover?

A: I would like to mention the next two issues are free. In July there may be a small fee for the magazine, as it’s a lot of work to put together. I’m talking under $5. I want this to remain accessible to all hobbyists because the main goal is to support and showcase artists and photographers in the BJD hobby.

The first issue of Jointed may be downloaded here for free: JOINTED ISSUE 1 – Wisteria’s Ko-fi Shop


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