Loongsoul Dan Ge

Dan Gi is a new 75cm tall LoongSoul male doll. He may be ordered in 5 translucent resin colors: white, light rose, normal yellow, light tan, and wheat brown. The doll is sold as a basic BJD with extras or as a full-set. Customers may pick a small or medium chest for their doll.

Basic Dan Ge comes blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, basic wig, outfit (fits small chest best), shoes, and ball-jointed hands with optional blushing.

Full-set Dan Ge is sold with a styled wig, eyes, outfit, and shoes, with an optional face-up, body blushing, and blank or blushed jointed hands.

Only 60 outfit sets are available. The doll will be discontinued on July 27th. For a limited time, Dan Ge is on sale. Loongsoul products may also be ordered internationally through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas.

From the company:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion (2024.04.27 – 2024.05.31):
* 2024.05.13 – 2024.05.31: 12% off

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