Loongsoul Dong Jun SP

A new 75cm tall limited edition doll from LoongSoul has been released. Dong Jun SP may be ordered as a blank basic BJD with extras. The doll comes in 5 translucent resin colors: white, light rose, normal yellow, light tan, and wheat brown. The basic Dong Jun SP is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, outfit set, and blank or painted jointed hands. Only 80 outfits are available.

The company is holding a discount and gift promotion for the new doll. Loongsoul products may also be ordered internationally through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas.

From the company:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion (2024.03.29 – 2024.04.18):

* Mar.29 – Apr.08: 18% off + a free pair of normal hands (HB-75-01T-02) as gift + can order a pair of his nude jointed hands at half price ($46)

* Apr.09 – Apr.18: 12% off + a free pair of normal hands (HB-75-01T-02) as gift

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