Return of FairyLand Chic Line?

A post on Den of Angels by user MaleficentMrsofEvil is a call for interested collectors to contact Fairyland if they would like to purchase dolls from the discontinued Chic line.

From DoA:

Several of us emailed Fairyland asking for the return of their Chic Line dolls. This is the response we received:

Thank you for contacting us.

Re-release of Chic Line will be our biggest challenge that will require our utmost courage.
Unless we really see a popular outcry of 50 or more interested participants, we really don’t see the return of Chic Line at any point in our production timeline.
​Please help us create a popular outcry.

Note: Fairyland needs 50 dedicated customers. This means that you have the money to purchase, and you willpay, if this doll line returns. If this is you, please contact Fairyland.

Let’s reboot this doll line. Spread the word!