New dolls are currently available from Fairyland. They are MiniFee Icarus and FeePle60 Kanis.
Icarus is sold as a full package or a designer’s complete package. He comes in natural, beautiful white, or tan resin. The full-package doll will include random color eyes, a wig, an outfit, shoes, and an unpainted eye mask. A sleeping head and face-ups for both basic and sleeping heads may be added. Upgraded eyes and wings are also available. The designer’s complete package will include premium eyes, a wig, an outfit set, shoes, a painted mask, and painted wings. Options include a sleeping head and face-ups for both the basic and sleeping heads.
FeePle60 Kanis – Dark Illusion comes in a full package or designer’s complete package. The doll comes in natural, beautiful white, tan, or elf grey resin. Kanis will include random color eyes, a wig, an outfit, shoes, and an unpainted hat and staff. A sleeping head and face-ups for both basic and sleeping heads may be added. Upgraded eyes and a Felidae head (blank or painted, optional cat eyes) are also available. The designer’s complete package will include premium eyes, a wig, an outfit set, shoes, blank Felidea head, a painted hat, and a painted staff. Options include a face-up, blank or painted sleeping head, and painting and eyes for the Felidae head.
The Felidae head may also be purchased separately. It will come in a choice of natural, beautiful white, tan, or elf grey resin.
Fairyland is holding a gift event. Customers with qualifying purchases may receive a Minifee or Feeple60 Shiwoo elf faceplate.