LoongSoul Kai Yang

73cm tall Kai Yang from LoongSoul may be purchased as a basic or full-set doll with a choice of body style B-B73-02, or B-B73-03 with a 2-part or 3-part torso. The bodies come with height-increasing ankle parts to make the doll 75cm tall. Resin color options include imported light rose, normal yellow, or white resin.

Basic Kai Yang is sold blank with options including a face-up, body blushing, wig, outfit set, shoes, jointed hands (blank or painted), and shoulder armor (blank in white resin or painted black resin).

Full-set Kai Yang comes with eyes, wig, outfit, shoes, and painted armor. Options include a face-up, body blushing, and jointed hands (blank or painted).

Kai Yang will be discontinued on January 30th, 2024. He is on sale at this time. Loongsoul’s dolls may be ordered internationally through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas.

From the company:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion:
* 18% off from 2023.11.30 – 2023.12.09
* 12% off from 2023.12.10 – 2023.12.20

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