Angel Persephone Ver. 2

A new version of 1/4 size Angel Story Persephone is now at Soul Doll. She may be ordered in normal, white, or special color P. Lavender blue resin. Options include a choice of body type and hand type, heel feet, face-up, blushing for hooved legs, outfit, earrings (with piercing), and wig.

A free gift head is offered, and the head sculpt may be chosen by the customer.

From the company:

Hello? This is SOULDOLL.

We are so happy to show Angel.Persephone again in Light ver.
We hope your big love and support on her!
Thank you in advance! 

[Order period : Korean time]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ Oct 31, 2023

[Gift head EVENT]
You can get one free head(kids girl / same skin with ordered doll / no makeup only) if you purchase this doll.

p.s We decided on a new concept thinking about her, who lived in a paradise full of flowers as the daughter of Demeter (Goddess of the harvest, agriculture, fertility, and sacred law) 

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