New Little Feather is a 35.5cm tall doll. She is a limited edition BJD that will only be available until October 15th. The Doll Family- H doll is sold blank in opaque resin colors white, normal pink, or normal yellow, Mia pink, or Mia white resin. Customers may choose a small or larger neck for their doll., and a small or larger bust. Gifts will be included with each doll purchase.
The doll may be ordered internationally from Alice’s Collections and BJDivas.
From the company:
Doll Family-H New Doll Promotion (2023.09.15 – 2023.10.15):
* 21% off + same size (hands #8 + heel feet + ballet feet) as gift.
* for 1/5 boy body & 1/5 girl body: 15% off + same size (heel feet + ballet feet) as gift.