Loongsoul Zhi Yuan

62cm tall Zhi Yuan is available from LoongSoul and their authorized retailers. Zhi Yuan may be ordered in imported resin normal yellow, light rose, or white resin. He is sold as a full-set with a styled wig, outfit, shoes and a piercing in his right ear. A face-up and body blushing may be optionally added.

Loongsoul’s dolls may be ordered internationally through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas. The company is offering a special promotion on new dolls.

From Loongsoul:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion (2023.08.26 – 2023.09.14):
* 2023.08.26 – 2023.09.04: 30% off
* 2023.09.05 – 2023.09.14: 16% off

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