Rozen Maiden Suigintou Cast Doll

A limited edition licensed character doll, Suigintou from Rozen Maiden, may now be ordered exclusively at Dolk (Dolk Station). She is a 44cm tall BJD made in Korea in special white skin resin. The doll is sold as a full-set which will include the face-up, wig, eyes, outfit (overdress (tops and skirt), underdress, headdress, stockings & choker, pannier), shoes, and accessory (key). The order pages may be found HERE. The first wave pre-order is closed. Customers may now order their doll in the 2nd wave (only 10 dolls are sold in each wave). A suitcase carrier may also be purchased for the doll.

In addition, cast doll Shinku will be re-released in September.

Order times/dates:

Start of Order : 2023/08/10 19:00
End of Order : 2023/09/10 09:00
Payment due : 2023/09/10 15:00
*Time zone is JST UTC+9