FairyLand Netis & Akis

Fairyland Cerebus Project has opened a pre-order for limited edition Fairyline Akis and Feeple60 Netis. Each may be ordered in a choice of 4 different packages.

Feple60 Netis Ancient Queen in a choice of Full-package (with or without a face-up) or a designer’s Complete (also with or without a face-up).

Fairyline Akis Mermaid is sold as a basic package, full-package, a no-make-up full option package, or a full-option package,

Both dolls come with 3 head options, Netis with basic, sleeping, and vampire faces, and Akis with a basic, sleeping, and vampire-dreaming faces. Resin colors for the dolls include natural, beautiful white, or tan.

Two styles of mermaid tails are sold separately, fish or seahorse. They may come in various colors and will fit both male & female fairyline bodies.

Fairyland is holding a summer event during this pre-order. Free MiniFee and Feeple60 heads are available with qualifying purchases.


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