Dhuhuang Flying Apsaras – Moon Shadow 

LoongSoul presents Dunhuang Flying Apsaras – Moon Shadow. He is being sold with the new B-B75-01 Strong Man body with a choice of a medium or large chest part.  He may be ordered in imported normal yellow, light rose, white, or wheat brown resin.

Dunhuang Flying Apsaras – Moon Shadow is sold as a basic or full-set doll. The basic doll is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, outfit, ear piercing, and extra hand parts. The full-set doll will include the wig, outfit, and ear piercings, with an optional face-up, body blushing, and extra hand parts.

The new 75cm Strong body is also sold separately. It may be ordered in imported normal yellow, light rose, white, or wheat brown resin.

Loongsoul is holding a promotional event for the new doll and new body. Their dolls may be ordered internationally through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas.

From the company:

 LoongSoul New Doll Promotion:
* 2023.06.20 – 2023.06.30: 17% off + a free black chiffon pajamas (75MY-75a-001) as gift
* 2023.07.01 – 2023.07.10: 14% off + a free black chiffon pajamas (75MY-75a-001) as gift

LoongSoul New Body Promotion (2023.06.20 – 2023.07.10):
* 15% off + a free black chiffon pajamas (75MY-75a-001) as gift.