Angel Seed -Leaf

Aileen Doll has opened pre-orders for Angel Seed -Leaf Dragon on a new website. The doll may be ordered with an open-eyes or a wink head. The 13.5cm tall is sold blank or painted. Angel Seed is cast in green resin with transparent antlers and lower wing parts.

Angel Seed -Leaf Dragon may be ordered internationally at Migidoll starting June 22nd. Customers that order the doll in June will receive a discount.

From the company:

From June 22nd to July 21st, Aileendoll’s wonderful Dragons are also on sale at Migidoll.
And 12% of the purchase amount will be returned as a reserve to customers who order by June 30th.
Please show a lot of interest.

Sales product : Angel Seed -Leaf ver (Open) / (Wink)
Sales period : From June 22nd(P.M 2:00) to July 21st(P.M 6:00) [KST]
Early-Bird benefit :12% of the purchase amount will be given as a bonus
(From June 22nd(P.M 2:00) to June 30th(P.M 6:00) [KST])

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