Stacy’s Pink Ocean has posted a new Vings Doll boy body. The 68cm Male Body Plus body comes in 7 resin colors including some that are similar some Soom, Iplehouse, and Volks resins. Multiple heads by Vings including previously released Reiki and Seira, and new anime style AN-01 and AN-07 may also be ordered. They come in white, normal, or dark resin. Painting services are not available for the body or the heads.
From the store:
Vingsdoll just released a new 68cm male body Plus. A lot of skin tones can be chosen, and you can purchase jointed hands, high-heel legs, high-heel feet and some shoes with the body. So great!
Two Cartoon boy heads is also coming. If you like this style, please have a look!
During the sale period, you also can purchase 68cm male body Ver.1 70cm male body, and Reick and Seira head.
Sale period:2023.06.18~2023.07.0