DollyZone Ruomu & Rutang

Ruomu and Rutang are sold in normal pink, white, or peach resin. They are 23cm tall limited edition BJDs from DollyZone. Each doll may be ordered blank with beast ear parts. Options for basic dolls include a face-up, body blushing, extra hand parts, special parts painting, and an outfit set. A full-set version will include a face-up, beast ear blushing, a wig (not styled), random color eyes, and an outfit set. Body blushing and extra hands (with optional painting) may be added.

DollyZone is offering a discount for Ruomu and Rutang. The company’s dolls may be ordered internationally from their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and BJDivas

From the company:

DollyZone New Doll Promotion (2023.04.14 – 2023.05.14): 10% off

Ruomu (left) and Rutang

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