Wu Tu & Yan Fu

Wu Tu and Yan Fu are two 1/4 size Bud line girls just released by LoongSoul. Both are sold as basic dolls or full-sets in imported light rose, white or normal yellow resin. Face-up service is not available for either doll.

The BJDs come with a choice of small or medium size chest. Each girl will include both heel and flat feet, animal ears (tiger with Wu Tu, rabbit with Yan Fu) and 1 normal hand. Options for basic dolls include a basic (not styled) wig, eyes, outfit and extra hand parts. The full-set dolls will include a styled wig, eyes, and outfit. The extra hand parts may be added.

Yan Fu and Wu Tu are on sale at this time. The company’s dolls may also be ordered internationally through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas.

From the company:

 LoongSoul New Doll Promotion (2023.04.03 – 2023.04.25):
* 2023.04.03 – 2023.04.08: 15% off
* 2023.04.09 – 2023.04.25: 11% off