Shang Ling Xian Jun

 LoongSoul Shang Ling Xian Jun is sold as a basic doll or with two different full-set options. The 73cm tall boy (75cm with ankle parts) come in imported normal yellow, light rose, or white resin with body type A, B, C, or D. The Full-set versions are limited editions of 90 dolls.

Basic Shang Ling Xian Jun is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, wig (basic or styled), outfit, shoes, Qin (version A, B, or C), and shoulder armor (blank or painted).

Shang Ling Xian Jun (Fullset Xiu Ver.) comes with body A, B, or C, a styled wig, outfit, shoes, optional face-up & body blushing, painted Qin style A, and painted shoulder armor.

Shang Ling Xian Jun (Fullset Yu Ver.) comes with body A, B, or C, a styled wig, outfit, shoes, and optional face-up, body blushing, Qin style A, B, or C (blank or painted), and shoulder armor (blank or painted).

Loongsoul is offering a discount on purchases of the doll. The company’s dolls may be ordered internationally through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas.

From the company:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion (2023.03.27 – 2023.04.20):
* 2023.03.27 – 2023.03.29: 10% off
* 2023.03.30 – 2023.04.20: 4% off

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