SWITCH HwaHui: Hiver & 太潾: Bijou

SWITCH and the company’s authorized retailer FaithZ are taking orders for the HwaHui: Hiver head in powder beige, rosy white, and milktea rose. The heads are sold blank or with a face-up. The head is compatible with the SWITCH HD64 girl body. HD64 labyrinth body, HD65 boy body, HD65 boy Poika Body, and the HD65 boy Attractive Body. SWITCH will take a limited number of orders. FaithZ will take orders until March 17th at 15:00 Hong Kong time.

In addition, FaithZ has opened orders for the 太潾 : Bijou head which is available in powder beige and rosy white. The head will fit the HD 60boy body and HD 57girl body. Face-up service is not available. The order period will close on March 3rd at 15:00 Hong Kong time.

HwaHui: Hiver
太潾 : Bijou


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