Tiny Implings by The Mushroom Peddler

Tiny Impling dolls may now be pre-ordered at The Mushroom Peddler. Three head sculpts, Willow, Ivy, and Maple will be cast in fair skin resin. The approximately 5.25 inches tall (13cm) BJDs are sold blank or with a face-up and optional face and/or body freckles. A custom face-up may also be requested. Customers who order all 3 dolls will receive a $50 discount. A full-set option is also available. Only 50 of the Tiny Implings will be sold.

Squee the Axolotl is still available for pre-order for a few more days.

From the company:

Introducing TINY Implings, Willow, Ivy, and Maple in fair Resin!
They can be found at: https://www.themushroompeddler.com/currently-in-stock
Limited Edition Preorder open until Feb 15th 2023

Fullset includes faceup/blushing, a wig sculpture, an outfit, may include wings if desired, a set of random eyes, and certificate of authenticity. You can leave the design up to me and be surprised, or you can email me at TheMushroomPeddler@gmail.com with a description of what you would like me to do for your Tiny Impling’s wig and outfit.

Squee the Axolotl Water Dragon
He/she can be found at: https://www.themushroompeddler.com/currently-in-stock
Limited Edition Preorder open until Feb 10th 2023

Available in both white or pink resin

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