Caleb Fantasy Version

Soul Doll has now released its fantasy version of Caleb. He will only be available until the end of next month. The 65.5cm tall Zenith line doll is sold blank with eyes shown in his photos. Options include a face-up. outfit, wig, and horns (blank or painted), hooves instead of human lower legs or both human and hooved lower legs (blank or painted). A free gift will be included with the doll purchase.

From the company:

Hello? This is SOULDOLL.

We are happy to show Caleb-Fantasy ver. in Fairy Story line before the end of this year.
We hope your big support.

[Caleb-Fantasy ver.]

>Order period : ~ 31st of Jan, 2023 (Korean time)
>Skin : New white / Normal / Greenish blue
>Basic head : All zenith boy heads including Caleb-Fantasy ver. head can choose as a basic head.
★X-mas gift : Caleb head(Only same skin with the doll skin you ordered / Makeup service is not available.)

>Layaway period : 6-10 months (10 months is for full-set order only.)

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