Fang Ri Tu & Shi Lu Shen Jun 

Boy doll Fang Ri Tu and girl Shi Lu Shen Jun are both from LoongSoul. The BJDs are available as basic dolls or full-sets with extras. Resin color options include imported light rose, normal yellow, or white. 

Shi Lu Shen Jun may be ordered with a 63cm body with small breasts or with a 58cm body. The basic doll is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, outfit, and a basic wig, while the full-set includes a styled wig, eyes, outfit, and ear-piercing. Options include a face-up and body blushing.

Fang Ri Tu comes with a choice of a 62cm body, 68cm body, 68 body with a 2-part torso, or a 68 body with a 3-part torso. The basic doll is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, jointed hands (blank or blushed), wig, eyes, outfit, and shoes. The full-set boy comes with eyes, a styled wig, an outfit, and shoes. Face-up and body blushing service and jointed blank or painted hands are optional.

At this time, Both dolls are being offered at a discount. Loongsoul BJDs may be ordered from the company and through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas.

From the company:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion:

* 2022.12.13 – 12.23: 13% off