Archangel Abel & Black Friday Event

Granado has released a new Archangel head for the Adagio, Vigor, and Evolve bodies named Abel. The head comes with or without eye holes. A wide variety of resin colors are available.

Granado is holding a special event for Black Friday.

From the company:

Dear all,
Archangel series (Part 2) has a new member, he is Cain’s brother, Abel.
He is about 30cm tall, and have 2 types of heads. (Sealed eyes and opened eyes)

Price: 48 USD
Skin Type: ALL
Set includes: Abel’s head
Request Options: Bodies, Eyes, Makeup service
PS. On our new website, all our request options are listed separately.

:: Ordering Period ::
From 25/11/2022 to 2/1/2023

And we have a Black Friday Sale! Started from today to 27/11. Just 3 days only so don’t miss out!
Here is the details of the sale:

:: Special Offer ::
1) If you order Abel whole doll (One head).
We will send you 2 of his heads!

Example : NS Opened eyes Abel head with Male body 31Vigor =
NS Opened + Sealed eyes Abel heads with Male body 31Vigor
The extra head’s skin color will be the same as your order.
Also, if you order opened eyes head. Your extra Abel head must be in sealed eyes.

1) If you order Abel whole doll (Both head).
We will send you 4 of mini heads!

Example : NS Both Abel heads with Male body 31Vigor =
NS Opened + Sealed eyes Abel heads with Male body 31Vigor + Extra 2 of mini doll heads
You can choose 2 heads: Lucent, Shadow, Garden, Ninth, Galileo and Lucifer. (opened eyes or sealed eyes)
Remember to leave us a message after you placed the order.

:: Black Friday Sale Period ::
From 25/11/2022 to 27/11/2022 (3 DAYS ONLY!)

:: Special ::
We will provide seam sanding service for free.
Thank you 

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