Wan Yu Xian Zun 

Wan Yu Xian Zun may now be pre-ordered as a basic or full-set BJD. The LoongSoul boy comes with a choice of the body (he is pictured with the 80cm body) in imported white, light rose, or normal yellow resin.

The basic doll is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, basic wig, outfit, shoes, sword (blank or painted), and extra hand part (sword holding hand). Full-set Wan Yu Xian Zun is a limited edition of 120 sets, 90 sets for the 73cm body and 30 sets for the 80cm body. He will come with a styled wig, eyes, outfit, and shoes. Options include a face-up, body blushing, sword (blank or painted), and sword hand. Only 40 swords will be sold.

A short discount period is open now for Wan Yu Xian Zun. Loongsoul BJDs may be ordered from the company and through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and  BJDivas.

From the company:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion

(2022.10.21 – 2022.10.30): 15% off

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