Battle Maid Olivia & Eve

Two new 1/4 size Junior WithDoll limited edition dolls are now being sold as part of a Halloween Event at WithDoll.

Battle Maids Olivia and Eve may be ordered as full dolls or their heads may be purchased separately. The full dolls are sold blank and come in 7 resin colors. Customers may choose from 4 breast sizes for their doll. The girls will come with extra hand-sets and both flat and heel feet. Options include a face-up, wig, eyes, costume, shoes, and a (basic or premium) katana. The Olivia and Eve heads are sold blank with optional face-up, eyes, and wig.

Withdoll has re-released a number of their limited editions for this event. They are also offering a discount on all of the dolls at this time.

From the company:

Halloween Limited Edition Sale

New Doll

[JWD] Battle maid Olivia and Eve

*You can buy the heads separately.


[BWD] Cat Witch Remi and Nia

[KWD] Cat Witch Remi and Nia

[BWD] Witch Cat Lea and Butler Cat Pooky

[KWD] Witch Cat Lea and Butler Cat Parker-

Halloween limited edition dolls are on sale.

These limited edition dolls are sold for a limited period of time only.

The sales period is from October 20th to November 10th.

Sale period can be adjusted according to the sales.

We will hold a 20% discount event during the sales period.

We ask for your interest and support.

Olivia (left) & Eve

Buy Me A Coffee