~Devotion Doll~

Devotion Doll is from Canada. It is a small 3-person company that opened in 2021. They have so far released a series of doll heads for larger BJDs. The most recent heads were Dauwen and Lunevis whose order period recently closed. The company’s name reflects their guiding philosophy: ” BJD making is our devotion and we make each and every BJD with sincerity.”


Q: Could you first tell me more about yourselves and about Devotion Doll and a little about opening your company? How did you become interested in creating doll heads?

A: Hi! I’m 6anli (Sylvester)! BJDs started to be a hobby of mine in 2018, and I fell in love with it so deeply that I wanted to make my own unique dolls, so I started the brand Devotion Doll. The name came from the fact that I am devoted to dolls more than any other hobby in my life~ Opening the company was very hard at first because I was just a student with minimal knowledge of marketing and manufacturing products (am still a student as of today XD). Luckily, I was able to solve the problems I encountered during the journey one way or another. Now I have two friends/co-workers who help with advertisement and shipping, so the brand is technically run by three people, and I’m mostly in charge of the artistic portion.

Q: Could you tell me what your inspirations are for your dolls?

A: Most of the time my creations originate from words I find very interesting, or have a meaning significant to me. However, sometimes I just sculpt and let my hand do the work instead of my head.

Q: Are your dolls hand-sculpted, computer designed, or a mix of the two?

A: They are 3D sculpted with Zbrush!

Q: Are your friends/co-workers doll enthusiasts too?

A: Yep! They are!

Q: What doll bodies fit best with your doll heads?

A: It mostly depends on the individual head. Most of my 65-68cm heads (for example the sculpts from the Five senses collection) fit pretty well with Vings68. Some other bodies like Luts slender 65 or the Redollent Accord body work as well! The 75cm heads (there is only one as of now which is Dauwen) work with Soom idealian 75.

Q: Do you plan to expand to other head sizes?

A: I believe I’m going to continue with SD+ sizes for now (65~75+)

Q. Are you planning to eventually create your own doll bodies?

A: I’m in the process right now! Hopefully, it will be greeting you next year!

Q: Who paints the face-ups on your dolls?

A: For the promotion photos, some are painted by myself, and some are painted by various China-based artists.

Q: Can you list the doll heads you have made so far along with their date of release?

A: Five Senses Collection: Sense (Oct. 2021) Five Senses Collection: Palate (Feb. 2022) Catharsis Collection I: Dauwen & Lunevis (Augs. 2022).

Q: Are all of your dolls limited editions or will they be re-released periodically?

A: None of the sculpts released so far are limited editions, but personally, I’m more interested in making new sculpts, so re-release cycles will be very long. Maybe more than 2 years for an old sculpt to be re-released.

Q: Do you plan to cast any dolls in fantasy colors like grey, blue, red, etc…

A: Yes! I definitely do intend to do that once I have finished the body so there will be less trouble with color matching!


Devotion Doll 

Devotion Doll on Instagram 

Lunevis (left) & Dauwen
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