~Lady Peridot~

Comi Baby Doll opened in 2016. The company specializes in classic sweet-faced BJDs in various sizes. Their first release was a “big baby” type 1/4 doll. Throughout the years, one of their most popular head sculpts has been Peridot. They have created versions of for the 26cm Cutie, 22cm Mini, and most recently for the 57cm Lady line.

In January of 2021, Lady Peridot was sold as a limited edition full-set, Le Printemps Éternel. My doll is this full-set version, and she includes a face-up, wig, eyes, outfit, and shoes. The doll is cast in normal skin resin and came with heel lower legs. In case I needed them in the future, I also added the optional flat foot and calf parts for my order.

Peridot arrived well-packed, wrapped in a box covered in bubble wrap.

When her box was opened, the first items seen were her outfit set including the dress and bonnet, a brown-haired wig, shoes, and the wrapped extra leg parts.

Below them was Peridot herself, encased in a padded bag topped with her COA. I uncovered the head which was also protected by sheet foam and a face-mask. her body was carefully swaddled in more foam sheeting, and her hands were protected with bubble wrap. She arrived in perfect condition.

Peridot was strung with her heel lower legs attached, ready to be dressed in her outfit and heel shoes.

While her heel feet kept me from photographing Peridot free-standing, she was able to stand and take a pose while slightly leaning back. Her legs remain rigid when standing. Her resin is smooth and when I picked her up for the first time, I was surprised to find that she was heavier than I expected. The doll is made in the classic style of smaller 1/3/SD BJDs. She has a large head for her body and an innocent expression. Like the other versions of Peridot that Comi has released, she sports a sweet little smile.

The top of the thigh part has a shelf that locks the leg in place when she stands.

The Lady doll’s body is double-jointed at the elbows and knees. The arms move smoothly into different poses and hold their positions easily.

The knees are also excellent at holding their positions. The top of the calf part is a bit awkward-looking when it is folded under the thigh. When bent, the leg joints do not slip out of position. When standing, the knee joints remain rigid.

The waist joint moves easily and can hold any position even when the top is twisted at an angle over the lower torso.

At the back, the lower torso part has ridges to hold the upper torso in different positions.

I found that only Peridot’s head did not stay in place when re-positioned. This may change as her stringing loosens a little, but a kip at the neck joint would likely fix the problem in the meantime.

Now it was time to dress Peridot and take some outdoor photos!

The dress set that came with the doll includes a petticoat, a white underdress with lace trim and pink bows on the sleeves and skirt, a lacy be-ribboned choker, and a pink overdress which fits like a corset at the top and is gathered at the waist and flows over the underskirt layers. At the back, it is decorated with large bows in matching fabric.

The wig that came with my Peridot was prettily arranged with a loose knot pattern. The doll’s face-up has delicately painted brown brows and lower lashes. Black eyelashes are attached to the upper lids. Her eyes are glass. They are dark with a hint of green in the irises.

Peridot’s underdress may be worn as a dress itself. The petticoat adds volume to the skirt. On its own, the underdress looks like a modern sundress. A scattering of beads is sewn onto the ruffled neckline. There are ribbon bows sewn to the skirt, the sleeves, and a lace one on the bodice. The choker is made of lace and ribbon.

The overdress gives the ensemble an antique look. Numerous beads were sewn on in chains or groupings adding an elegant and polished look to the ensemble. The bonnet is especially detailed with ribbons and beads.

Lady Peridot was a gift for my daughter. She was enthusiastically accepted! I would definitely recommend the Lady dolls for their stability and excellent posing skills.

Photos from the company of Peridot – Le Printemps Éternel:

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