Serein & Elfin Mermaid

Soul Doll has released Serein and Elfin in new Mermaid versions. They will be available for 1 month only. In addition to normal and white, the dolls may also be ordered in limited edition pink coral and coral purple resin.

1/3 size Serein is sold with the New Zenith girl body. She may be ordered blank with both opaque and transparent basic hand sets, and a pair of special resin eyes included. Options include a face-up, outfit, wig, resin heel feet, and additional hand-sets.

1/4 size Elfin comes with the New Double Girl body with a choice of small or large breasts. The basic doll includes her resin eyes. Customers may choose between straight or curled finger hands and both an opaque and transparent set of hands will be included. A face-up, outfit, and wig may be added.

The order period for Serein and Elfin will close on August 25th Korea time. Soul Doll’s summer event is being held now. The details are posted HERE on BJDcollectasy.

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