Little Lord – Eric

Charm Doll presents 1/4 doll Little Lord – Eric. He is being sold as a basic doll or with a limited edition full-set. Basic version Eric is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, basic wig, outfit, and blank pair of resin elf ear parts, and a blank walking stick.

Full-set Eric comes with a styled wig, eyes, outfit, elf ears, and painted walking stick. Options include a face-up and body blushing.

Both basic and full-set Eric may be ordered in imported resin colors light rose, normal-yellow, or white. His outfit is a limited edition and will be discontinued on August 16th. Eric is currently on sale. He may be ordered internationally from authorized retailers including  Alice’s Collections and DOLK (DOLK Station).

From the company:

Charm New Doll Promotion:

(2022.07.16 – 2022.08.16)

15% off