28 Lunar Mansions – Leopard Ji Shui Bao

LoongSoul has introduced a new doll for their 28 Lunar Mansions series. Leopard Ji Shui Bao is 73.5cm tall (75cm with ankle extension parts). The boy comes in imported resin colors white, light rose, normal-yellow or wheat with a choice of version II or 3 body. He may be ordered as a basic or full-set.

Basic Leopard Ji Shui Bao is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, unstyled wig, outfit, shoes, and resin parts including jointed hands (blank or painted) and sword (blank).

Full-set Leopard Ji Shui Bao will include a styled wig, outfit, and shoes with optional face-up, body blushing, jointed hands (blank or painted), and painted sword. Only 80 full-sets will be released.

Until June 28th, Leopard Ji Shui Bao is being sold at a special price. Loongsoul BJDs may be ordered from the company and through their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections.

From the company:

Loong Soul New Doll Promotion:

(2022.06.18 – 2022.06.28)

15% off

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