Aries Daymaster & Cizel Nightmaster

Two new girls, Aries Daymaster and Cizel Nightmaster from GEM of Doll have been released. The 1/4 size dolls are sold in a human or a lamb-legged version in normal pink, white, tan, or grey resin. Customers may order a basic doll that will come with random color eyes and a magnetic horn and tail set, and then add optional face-up and body and parts blushing. The BJDs may also be ordered as a full-set with a face-up, body and parts blushing, eyes, wig, and outfit. (Human-version full-sets will include shoes with the outfit.) Only 30 outfits for each doll will be available.

Aries and Cizel are discounted 15% until September 30th. GEM of Dolls products may be ordered through the company or from authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections and Dolk (Dolk Station).