Louis -White Rhinos

Stacy’s Pink Ocean has added a new company, Xingdoll, to the store. Xingdoll ‘s first product is Louis -White Rhinos. There are three different styles of heads, human, rhino with a horn, and rhino with a shorn horn. The heads are 21cm in circumference and have an 11cm neck circumference. They are sold blank in normal or white resin.

From the store:

Hi, everybody! Let’s introduce one…no, three heads. They have same face, but different. It has 3 versions.
They are limited.

The head with horn:Louis White Rhinos Head(Whole horn)-Xingdoll – stacyspinkocean.com
The head with broken horn:Louis White Rhinos Head(broken horn)-Xingdoll – stacyspinkocean.com
The head without horn:Louis White Rhinos Head(Human being)-Xingdoll – stacyspinkocean.com