Loongsoul Ji Du-Yue Yao

Grace line Ji Du – Yue Yao has just been released by LoongSoul. The 73.5cm tall boy may be ordered in imported normal yellow, white, or light rose resin. Customers may choose a version II or version 3 style body for their doll. He is being sold as a basic doll or a full-set.  The full-set version is a limited edition of 80.

Basic version Ji Du – Yue Yao is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, basic wig, eyes, outfit, shoes, jointed hands, and blushing for the jointed hands. Full-set Ji Du – Yue Yao comes with a styled wig, eyes, outfit, and shoes. Options include a face-up, body blushing, and blank or painted jointed hands.

For a limited time, both basic and full-set Ji Du -Yue Yao dolls are being sold at a discount. Loongsoul BJDs may be ordered from the company and through their authorized retailers including Fabric Friends and DOLLS and Alice’s Collections.

From the company:

LoongSoul New Doll Promotion

(2022.01.26 – 2022.02.10):

15% off

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