MuDoll lluming Celine

MuDoll has released a new Dotories line girl, lluming Celine. She is sold as a basic doll or as a limited edition full-set.

Celine is cast in rose white resin. She will come with a special face-up and a random color pair of acrylic eyes. The full-set will include the face-up, brown acrylic eyes, long blond wig, dress set (dress, headdress, bloomers, and stockings), and pink flat shoes. 

From the company:

Happy New year!

Mudoll just updated the new special Dotories set, Illuming Celine.

This Illuming Celine is the tall type of 1/6 BJD body(height 32.5cm), which is available to share with general 1/6BJD outfit and shoes.
This tall type body for looking more matured and its full set dress are looking more elegant for this tall body.

This Illuming Celine is available in Doll set / Special Full set.
This designer’s special full set is only available by 22nd Feb 2022.
Please check this tall type body size in the detail page.

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