Chen Si & Lauren – Zhu Yun

70.5cm tall Grown line dolls Chen Si and Lauren Zhu Yun have just been released. The dolls are sold as basic or Zhu Yun full-set BJDs in normal or white resin. The Ringdoll sets include a face-up, eyes, wig, robe set, and shoes. The red embroidered set is included with Lauren, while the dark blue embroidered robe comes with Chen Si. Each robe reverses to a plain robe (dark blue for Lauren, red for Chen Si). For a limited time, the full-set dolls are being sold at a discount.

From the company:

10% OFF
Event Price: Fullset $648   Basic Doll: $495

 * Dealers can take part in the activity.
* Layaway is acceptable. For more:

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