Asleep Eilodon Freya SP

New Asleep Eidolon Freya SP is a limited edition 1/4 size girl. The BJD may be ordered in normal resin, or in UV-cut fairy white, milk-white, or white peach resin. Freya SP may be ordered with human or elf ears. She is sold blank with a random color pair of eyes. A face-up may be optionally added.

From the company:

Freya SP human ver. & Freya SP Elf ver.Limited: 24/12/2021~15/2/202
Product Details: Body(AE-F-41) and head  (without make-up)
Additional: Face-up

Freya SP human ver.& Freya SP elf ver. event head.

You can add one SP head if you buy Asleep Eidolon’s 1/4 doll. 

This head don’t sell separately. Please use shop cart. Thank you.

Order period: Dec.24,2021-Feb.15.2022