Beatrice & Darlene

Darlene and Beatrice are 56cm BJDs that were just released by DollZone. They are limited-editions that will only be sold until November 30th.

Beatrice and Darlene may be ordered as blank basic dolls with random color eyes and heel feet. The girls are also sold as full-sets which will include a face-up, random color eyes, wig, and outfit. Both dolls are being sold at a discount.

Dolls by Dollzone may also be purchased internationally through their authorized retailers including Alice’s CollectionsDenver Doll Emporium, and Dolk (Dolk Station).

From the company:

Doll Zone New Doll Promotion (2021.11.01 – 2021.11.30):
* 12% off, order full-set can get a pair of flat feet as gift

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