Resin Menagerie 1 Day Pre-order

 Resin Menagerie has opened a 1-day pre-order. The order form may be found HERE. Six resin colors are avalaible: white, ash, light, tan, cocoa, and ebony.

From the artist:

Menagerie pre-order now OPEN! (yea!)

Pre-order slots available for the next 24 hours
– until October 3rd 8pm Japan time –

Available dolls:

-Natural posing classic girl

-Natural Extra posing girl

-Slim Extra posing girl

-Double silhouette boy (Broad/ Narrow shoulders)

Dolls on this pre-order will ship : February~March 2022

Price: $950 + shipping

(price for all dolls, blank, in any skin shade)

If interested in a face-up, please order soon, as only 10 slots are available.

Thank you so much for your support!

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