Fairy Poem Dreamcatcher

Asleep Eidolon is celebrating the company’s 15th anniversary with the release of limited-edition Fairy Poem Dreamcatcher dolls. The 59cm tall fairies include Holistacia, Uphukiir, and Galanodel. The girls may be purchased blank in normal or fairy white, or in UV cut fairy white or white peach resin. An optional full-set package may be added which will include a face-up, fairy ear blushing, glass eyes, wig, and outfit. The Wand of Dream shown with the dolls is sold separately. It is 68cm tall and is cast in clear resin.

A human version head of each girl may also be ordered separately. The heads are being sold at a special discount price. Customers that order a fairy doll plus a human version head will receive a head cast in the same resin color as their doll.

Fairy Poem Dreamcatcher dolls are being sold for 1 month only. Their order period closes on October 12th.


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