Dear Mine Summer 2021 Dolls

Dear Mine recently introduced their new dolls for Summer 2021. They include Vivien L. Le Festin, and tiny Lincoln Bean Tailor, and Lorenz Beans Milk Tea. They may be ordered from the company or through their authorized retailers including Denver Doll Emporium and Dolk (Dolk Station).

40cm tall Vivien L. Le Festin is available in cocoa or white skin resin. Customers may add a wig (milk cocoa or platinum), face-up, eyes (random or heaven-blue), face-up (red or black version), heel parts, and hand and foot painting.

Lincoln Bean Tailor is sold as a limited edition full-set. Only 5 sets will be sold. The set will include basic Lincoln Bean in milk tea resin, eyes, and outfit shown.

Lorenz Beans in milk tea resin is also available in white. He is sold blank with optional face-up, eyes, and outfit.

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