Cheese & Cheese Reverie Limited Pre-order

Rosen Lied will be opening pre-orders for Cheese and Cheese Reverie. The Holiday’s Child dolls are sold as heads-only or as full dolls in normal or whitening resin.

From the company:

[Limited period basic]

Holiday’s Child Cheese (reverie ver.)

2021.05.28. 10:00 ~ 2021.06.04. 24:00

*Holiday Child types are only available in Basic and Limited for a limited time. Please refer to the purchase.

* Heads can be sold separately or all can be purchased.

[Special Basic]

Holiday’s Child Cheese 

2021.05.28. pm 7:00.

To commemorate the release of Basic Half Eye Cheese, the regular version is on sale.

Sales will end when sold out due to limited quantities.

Holiday’s Child Cheese (reverie ver.)

Make up by Reminiscence

2021.05.28. pm 6:00.

To commemorate the release of Basic Cheese, we are selling an artist makeup version.

Sales will end when sold out due to limited quantities.

[Limited Dress]

2 holiday sizes

We ask for your interest.

Cheese Reverie
Cheese, with HC body, 2 resin options

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