DollPamm Muse Line (Updated)

DollPamm is preparing to release a new line of dolls is called Muse. Four dolls will be released at once. The order period will be open for one month. Acre, Sucre, Reche, and Aigre may be ordered with a boy or girl body in milky, pink, or cheese skin resin. Heel feet for girl dolls may be optionally added. A second head may be added at a special discounted price.

From the artist:

Hello! everyone,

May 20, 2021! Dollpamm’s new line’MUSE’ will be added, and 4 types of MUSE heads, 47cm class MUSE(f) girls body, and 52cm class MUSE(m) male body will be released.

The 4 types of muse heads to be released are compatible with both the MUSE male body and the MUSE female body, and you can select the gender of body when ordering a doll set product.

New dolls : MUSE line – Acre / Sucre / Reche / Aigre (4 types)

Male MUSE doll height: 52.5cm
Female MUSE doll height: 47.5cm

Pre-order period: May 20, 2021 ~ June 21, 2021

All products of the MUSE doll line can only be ordered during the designated sales period.

For more information, please check the product details page of our website.
Thank you for your interest!

Dollpamm Sculptor Dr.MES

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